This project was to produce a series of deliverables that are the most appropriate for a topic that was chosen and the delivery of the message.

The message that I chose was tattoo stereotyping. Hitting close to home with many people in my life being covered in tattoos thought this was a chance to show that we are still people.

Triptych Posters

For stereotyping the idea for the three posters is to hit each key point, which is race, gender, and the way someone looks. Each poster will portray how just because someone is this way does not mean they are any different than the other person. Everyone is capable of doing the same thing. The way you look does not affect how someone acts or does something.

The beginning part was creating a thesis statement of the concept that was being chosen and why we thought this was a good choice. Bouncing back and forth of stereotyping as one for race, gender, and the way someone looked was the beginning.

Thesis Strategy


The idea was to sketch out different designs that hit all these points. But show that we are equal and all different in our own ways.

See most people do not talk about stereotyping, but it is a topic around us in today's society, from racial to gender, and how someone looks, for example, covered in tattoos. Stereotyping can affect someone more than people realize.

For the final design went with a few different font choices, but all had white as the color.

This decision was made to be able to tell the story of each person being portrayed within the poster.

Title: Poppins Bold

Body: PT Serif Bold

Call to Action: Ariel


Color Palette

Using white as the font color helps make the words stand against the image for an easy read. Letting the stories standout on their own.


RGB: 255,255,255

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

Digital Initial 1

After some thought, decided to go the route of stereotyping. This was because most do not see this topic when thinking of posters.

Each set was created to show different people and who they are. Trying the black-and-white feel with the first set to try and put in the saying that I have lived by, is that it conveys emotion, tells a story, or expresses oneself.

Digital Initial 2

With this direction was wanting to try the half poster just showing the work environment was in tattoos through the hands. Adding color one and some facts and shows three different work areas. 

Although, all of the sets showcase that we should not stereotype. This is where the process of figuring out the direction to go began.

Digital Initial 3

Once figured out the direction, had to start looking for a sponsorship that worked to help against stereotyping tattoos. And create a different design that showcased the message. The goal was to make sure the eyes all lined through with each other.

Changed the images from Black and White, then tried to find images that were more of showing the face. Took the STATS away and kept the small quote. With that left align all the words and found a sponsorship for sterotyping.

Digital Initial 4

After learning that showing the subject looking at the audience was better, tried to find images that showed the people’s faces better. Edited the color balance within the images to have the same feel. Within this design, went back and removed the sponsorship that I had used. After more research hit a bump in the road where there were no sponsorships. Due to this I created my own and designed a logo for it.

Sponsorship Branding

When it came to thinking about the sponsorship logo, I kept in mind my research on tattoo parlor typefaces and symbols' different meanings.


The idea was to find a symbol that represented change and rebirth through hard times. Everything drew me back to the lotus flower, which symbolizes strength, resilience, and rebirth.

From there, I wanted a bit more, so I did more research to find the idea of the moon and a little bit of some vines.

Moon: cyclicating and rebirth

Vines: personal growth and interconnectedness of life


Wanting something that went with the theme of tattoos… looked around at different tattoo parlor’s logos to get inspiraction. From there though have that rough look to the words would show depth.

Color Palette

Wanting that rough look to the font and against the background of the posters chose to go with white with a transparent background to it to blend with each image.


RGB: 255,255,255

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

Final Design

From bouncing back and forth on the name of the sponsor ship… being between “Inked for Change” or “Art Beyond Labels” felt that Inked for Change fit the direction the posters were going.

Final Design

Feeling like the middle photo did not showcase just what was needed due to the difference in shapes of colors that replaced that image. Instead of having some saying that was trying to state we are all equal went and found quotes from people telling their stories.

From there the layout of where the title was relocated, redesigned the logo, and gave each poster its own story.

Environmental Contact