This project the goal was to create a tourism poster. From sketching it out, researching ideas of locations, different types of tourism posters, etc. Finding the right blend to show the chosen destination and why to travel there.
Tourism Poster
This process was to sketch out the idea and use Illustrator to do a digital sketch of it with the pencil tool. From there all the colors were added to add depth to the work.
Color Palette
Going for the blue skies, sandy light and dark browns for the mountains to the different shades of green for the grass. When came to the flowers the idea was to have them look like the wild orchids that grow in the area. From there the type was chose to be white to help stand out among all the colors of the spring time in Colorado.
RGB: 255,255,255
CMYK: 0,0,0,0
Starting first round with a more rounded bold form of Ariel and within the changes when with Gill Sans to give it more of a structured look and feel.
Digital Illustrations
From feedback got rid of the black border, made the mountains more of the focal point by bringing them down more, and added some more flowers.
Digital Initial
With the final design, I moved “Boulder Colorado” to the top and the call to action to the bottom. I then darkened the sponsorship logo and added a line for more information as a call to action.
Removed the stroke from the letter, aligned everything, and downsized the call to action. After that added a more information line near the logo.
Final Design
With the first redesign went in and added a call to action. “The Mountains are Calling!” From there centered the location, Boulder Colorado, this design did have a stroke on the words.
I had turned the opacity a bit for the sponsorship to make it blend in more.
Environmental Contact